Fellow Aces and Eights fans, Kenzer has finally put up a PDF of the FULL rule book, errata, nice price point, AND some extra's!
We've had the players guide, now we have the PDF version of the third printing, errata included, as well as some additional material that is free elsewhere, all in one PDF, and a pretty decent price point too ($24.99) versus the print retail of nearly $60!
Personally this RPG caught me by surprise, I love the Western genre but never had a RPG get me as enthusiastic about playing it as I was about reading it and watching the movies.
Looking at this, I initially thought there was no way this would finally do the trick for me. This rule book is BIG, with lots of "advanced rules", and detailed character generation, etc.
Then I realized there were 6 pages in here that had all the rules you needed to play, with literal 5 minute basic character generation included. I then saw the you tube videos about the shot clocks and decided those didn't look too hard at all, so gave it a try and this RPG quickly became one of my all time favorites!
So if the price point of the gorgeous hard cover has been turning you away, maybe now this $25 PDF will do the trick for you!
We have had great adventures! Cattle drives with water shortages, indians, difficult farmers, "appropriation" happy soldiers, small to huge groups of bandits, small to large packs of starving wolves, gun fights, brawls, gun fights on trains, gun fights from horse back, ambushes, bushwacks, and a whole lot more!
So those of us who already know how awesome this is, we now have not only the rules, but the alternate history, and more, and for those of you have been interested, but not interested in the price, I hope this finally gives you the chance to try this out!
Between the shot clocks, the simple rules, with modular "advanced" rules to add or remove as you wish, hopefully you will come to enjoy this RPG as much as I have over the last couple of years.
Feel free to ask me any questions, I have been running a weekly to bi weekly game for over a year now. I'll even share my rules tweaks and why I made them if you wish.