3.3: Critique a lesson plan

Finally, let’s put this all together to create a cohesive blended learning lesson plan !

In preparation for completing your lesson plan, do the following:

  1. Review your blended learning teaching model from Module 2 .4 ’s Digital Gallery Walk
  2. What elements are present in your model ? For example: If you chose, Station Rotation, your model would include online instruction, teacher-led instruction and collaborative activities and stations.
  3. Review your existing lesson plan from Module 3.2
  4. Review your choice of technology from Module 3.2

In the next section of this module, you will be provided with a lesson plan template involving all elements of you r chosen blended learning model. However, before y ou fill a template out for yourself , you are going to help a Kindergarten teach er transform their existing lesson plan to a Station Rotation blended learning a pproach.

Here are the logistics of their original lesson:

NC SCO S Standard:

NC.K.G.4 Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, attributes and other properties.

Students will be able to:

Lesson Plan Activities :

  1. Whole group i nstruction on the identification and classification of 2D shapes: circle, square, rectangle, hexagon, triangle
  1. ‘Mystery Shape’ G ame: The students are paired up. Each student has a geoboard and a rubber band. The y are placed back-to-back so they cannot see one another’s board. One partner creates a shape on their geoboard and must describe their shape to their partner. The other student tries to recreate and identify that shape. If the shapes match, they win! They can then switch roles.
  1. Shape Hunt : S tudents will each go around the room looking for and identifying 2D shapes in the classroom. They will record their findings on a worksheet to be given to the teacher as a formative assessment.

EdTech Choice:

In this google slides presentation, help this Kindergarten teacher adapt this lesson plan to fit the parameters of the Station Rotation Model: online instruction, teacher led instruction, collaborative activities and stations.

Which activities could be adapted to fit these different elements? Can the teacher maintain her existing activities but just restructure them to be rotational stations as opposed to linear activities?

Fill in the lesson plan template on a blank slide using the activities provided and explain how they could be adapted to fit the blended learning approach. Like the digital gallery walk in Module 2.4, please choose a fellow learner’s slide and provide feedback about his/her/their slide in the speaker notes. Specifically, offer 2 compliments and 1 suggestion for their adaptation of this lesson plan .

Go to 3.4: Create and share an original lesson plan