Draconian iii installation guide

An advanced guide on how to swiftly and consistently defeat large teams of allied emperor AI opponents as a Necromancer.





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Map Settings

Video Walkthroughs

Why Playing Necromancer is Powerful and Fun

Why Playing Necromancer is Challenging and Fun

Recommended Specializations for Necromancer

Unit Production Priorities

Unit Summoning Priorities

Dwelling Priorities

Early Game Empire and Spell Research Priorities

Mid Game Empire and Spell Research Priorities

Late Game Empire and Spell Research Priorities

Necromancer Hero Ability/Stats Upgrade Path

Upgrade Path for Non-Necromancer Heroes

Hero Class/Race Recommendations

Early to Mid Game Movement & Combat

Early to Mid-Game Empire Management

Mid to Late Game Movement & Combat

Mid to Late Game Empire Management


Комментарии Introduction Map Settings Video Walkthroughs

I have recorded a number of video walkthroughs (see links in this section) on how to put this Necromancer strategy guide into action. The most recent walkthroughs involve me imposing artificial restrictions on myself (e.g., using only Hero units to do battle; sitting in my base with my starting army for 40 turns before venturing out to give my opponents a head start) to increase the difficulty and novelty of playing Necromancer. Some of these "Challenge Series" campaigns required deviating from the strategy I've laid out in the main part of this guide, and those strategy adjustments are documented in the sections toward the end of this guide.

Here's a Heroes-Only Challenge video walkthrough where I only allow myself to use hero units to defeat a team of 5 allied Emperor-level AI opponents, beating them in Turn 141. I record episode videos (20 videos total) periodically to recap important battles, troops movement, hero ghouling progress, hero leveling and equipment loadout progression, etc. This was very enjoyable and much less stressful than the 40-Turn Head Start Challenge listed below. Please see the "Heroes-Only Challenge" Advice section toward the bottom of this guide for detailed advice on winning this particular challenge.

Here's a 40-Turn Head Start Challenge video walkthrough where I do nothing for the first 40 turns of the game to give my 5 allied Emperor-level AI opponents a head start, beating them in Turn 122. I also refuse to recruit any Heroes after the first, leaving me with 1 Leader and 1 Hero for the first half of the game until I start ghouling enemy Heroes. Normal Defender Strength with Shadowborn Adept and Destruction Adept/Master. For this campaign, I pre-selected each of my opponents to use leaders and class/race combinations that tend to be more difficult opponents for a Necromancer to face. This was a brutal challenge. The playlist is 90 videos long (85 episodes worth of content) and is a total of 84 hours of gametime. Instead of recaps at the end of each turn (or set of turns) like for many of my other strategy series' playlists, I decided to record everything to let you get a sense of how I made each individual decision on the map and in combat. It's not always the most exciting thing to watch, given that I take lots of time to think through my options during tough battles as there was often very little room for error given the nature of this challenge. It was super important for me not to lose important troops and heroes when possible. Toward the bottom of this guide, I added a section with links to specific videos highlighting interesting/pivotal battles I fought during the campaign. Please see the "40-Turn Head Start Challenge" Advice section toward the bottom of this guide for detailed advice on winning this particular challenge. Also, here is a list of links to video episodes from the series featuring interesting/pivotal battles [docs.google.com] I fought during this challenge.

Here's a 20-Turn Head Start Challenge video walkthrough where I do nothing for the first 20 turns of the game to give my 5 allied Emperor-level AI opponents a head start, beating them in Turn 89. I also refuse to recruit any Heroes after the first, leaving me with 1 Leader and 1 Hero for the first half of the game until I start ghouling enemy Heroes. I record videos every few turns or so to recap important battles, troops movement, hero leveling and equipment loadout progression, etc. Normal Defender Strength with Shadowborn Adept and Destruction Adept/Master. This was much easier than the 40 turn challenge mentioned above.

Here's a 1v7 video walkthrough from a Normal Defender Strength game versus 7 AI's where I record videos at the end of each turn, recapping important battles, movement, decisions, etc. I beat this map in 49 turns. I specialized in Shadowborn Adept and Destruction Adept/Master.

Here's a 1v5 video walkthrough from a Normal Defender Strength game versus 5 AIs where I record videos at the end of each set of turns (13 episodes about 8 minutes each), recapping important battles, movement, decisions, etc. I beat this map in 40 turns. I specialized in Shadowborn Adept and Destruction Adept/Master. I started in the bottom middle of the map and the opponents were mostly clustered in the upper right; I ran into them quickly and took them out early so they didn't have a chance to develop strong late stage armies. For this campaign, I pre-selected each of my opponents to use leaders and class/race combinations that tend to be more difficult opponents for a Necromancer to face.

Here's a 1v7 video recap from a Strong Defender Strength game versus 7 AIs where I achieved victory on Turn 67. I specialized in Shadowborn Adept/Master and Destruction Adept. I spend time reviewing my heroes (skills, items), towns, army composition, and other general strategic principles I followed to achieve victory.

Here's a partial 1v7 video walkthrough from a Strong Defender Strength game versus 7 AIs where I specialized in Earth Adept and Grey Guard Adept/Master. I did not finish it as I got distracted by other opportunities, but you can get the gist of several aspects of my strategy from what I discuss in the video.

Toward the bottom of this guide, I provide advice mini-guides and links to video walkthroughs for additional fun AOW3 Challenges (e.g., Single Stack Challenge, Weak Starting Army Only Challenge) that called for race/class combinations beyond Draconian Necromancer.

Why Playing Necromancer is Powerful and Fun

Every race and class combination offers something new and enjoyable to AOW3 players. Here are some reasons I've particularly enjoyed playing Draconian Necromancer, specifically when trying to defeat a strong set of allied AI opponents.

Why Playing Necromancer is Challenging and Fun

Hiliadan did a poll back in 2017 about what makes it difficult to play Necromancer generally. These were some of the main points raised:

Recommended Specializations for Necromancer Unit Production Priorities Unit Summoning Priorities Dwelling Priorities Early Game Empire and Spell Research Priorities

These items are listed in order of importance, from most important first to less important last.

Mid Game Empire and Spell Research Priorities Late Game Empire and Spell Research Priorities Necromancer Hero Ability/Stats Upgrade Path Upgrade Path for Non-Necromancer Heroes

See the Hero Upgrades tab of my AOW3 Google Spreadsheet [docs.google.com] , which has recommended upgrade paths for each Hero class when playing as Necromancer.

Hero Class/Race Recommendations Early to Mid Game Movement & Combat Early to Mid-Game Empire Management Mid to Late Game Movement & Combat Mid to Late Game Empire Management Conclusion

I hope that you have found this advice helpful, even if you do not agree with all of it.

I welcome your constructive criticism and suggestions in the comments, and may update this guide in response to your feedback.

Please consider rating and favoriting this guide if you think it might be useful to other players looking to deepen their strategy with Necromancer.

The remaining sections in this guide featured below provide advice for specific AOW3 Challenges that you might find interesting/challenging as well as other bonus content.