LIST: Areas under state of calamity due to southwest monsoon enhanced by Carina

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LIST: Areas under state of calamity due to southwest monsoon enhanced by Carina

FLOODED. Residents of Miranda Compound in Zapote, Las Piñas City, bear the brunt of the flood brought by the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Carina, on July 24, 2024.

Mishiwa Gallardo/PonD News Asia

(4th UPDATE) A state of calamity declaration will allow local governments to tap into their calamity funds for faster relief operations

MANILA, Philippines – The nonstop rain in various parts of Luzon due to the effects of the southwest monsoon enhanced by Super Typhoon Carina (Gaemi) has resulted in state of calamity declarations by various local government units (LGUs).

The declaration would allow local governments to tap into their calamity funds for faster relief operations.

The following areas have been placed under a state of calamity as of Friday evening, July 26:

A freeze on the prices of basic necessities is also imposed in areas under a state of calamity. It also compels government financing or lending institutions to grant no-interest loans to the most affected groups through their cooperatives or people’s organizations. –